In English

How it all begining.

God speak to me (Pekka) on Cyprus 2017 to start prayer house in Sweden.

As soon we were back to home, we started meetings in our home Upplands Väsby.

During year 2023-24 God has spoken especially about her fire and anointing.

Her fire purifies and renews us: In her anointing we shake off the chains and bonds that we all have.

In order to serve her more and more powerfully without our own efffort.

What is our goal.

Our goal is worshiping and praying for the nations and specially

town where god had lead as Jeremiah 29.7 says us. 


Monthly activities.

Thursday night prayer meetings in Upplands Väsby

Open worship meeting on Saturday afternoon 4-5 times / year

Prayer trips to Yxnerum hotel every month.

Tree year ago we were asked to start a prayer room in the Yxnerum conference hotel.
This hotel owner aChristian businessman and had bought a hotel few years ago on central part of Sweden.


Thursday evenings

Upplands Väsby 

Prayer weekend dates on hotel Yxnerum




31.5 - 02.6.2024

Worship & prayer weekend Yxnerum hotel SWEDEN

22-24 March 2024